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Our Haunted House was a big hit this Halloween By Jessica By Hannah
Full Day Kindergarten With regards to Full Day Kindergarten (FDK) (Junior Kindergarten {JK} and Senior Kindergarten {SK}) childcare or the Before and After Program here at Runnymede Public School, this is Runnymede Adventure Club’s (RAC’s) process:
© 2010 - 2024 Runnymede Adventure Club.
Full Day Kindergarten With regards to Full Day Kindergarten (FDK) (Junior Kindergarten {JK} and Senior Kindergarten {SK}) childcare or the Before and After Program here at Runnymede Public School, this is Runnymede Adventure Club’s (RAC’s) process 1. At the start of Kindergarten Registration at Runnymede Public School, (usually by Jan 15 th of each year), RAC will make available and accept the FDK Expression of Interest Form from the interested parents that register at Runnymede Public School (RPS.) By filing out this Form it is your indication to RAC that you are interested in enrolling your child in our Before and After FDK Program. 2. Once the Form is completed, please SUBMIT it to Equal consideration for all Application Forms are given from Jan. 15 th until the end of April of each year (We are accepting until May 8th/24 this year.) 3. Acceptance into the RAC FDK (JK/SK) program is done by Lottery each spring – this lottery is usually completed by mid- May. If your child’s Expression of Interest Form is pulled in the lottery, we will contact you from the information that you have provided on this Form. 4. RAC will not be able to offer a space to everyone who is interested, and we will therefore, be creating a Waitlist from the FDK Expression of Interest Forms of children that are not pulled in the lottery. 5. A FDK Waitlist, will only begin after the initial calls for FDK applicants go out. It is made up of all children that have not been called to be in our FDK program each September. Please note, JK is our primary point of entry into our program. Still have questions? Please refer to the FAQ page. For more kindergarten information please see the Runnymede Public School Council’s website.